Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review for 有一种爱叫做放手 sung by 阿木

 This is a close English translation of the lyrics of the Song
Thanks to Telly from for translating it.

If a couple's notion of Heaven
Is like a heart-warming barrier
Imprisoning your dreams,
Is happiness akin to a metal-barred window?
The bird has lost its internal compass for the south.

If you aspire to travel into the sky,
And long for a pair of wings;
Releasing you to soar up high,
Roses should not accompany your feathered wings.
Obeying ageing properties of time,

If romance has morphed into a leash,
I'm willing to choose to return to a life of solitude for your sake.
If lingering touches have morphed into chains,
It is time to discard the vows.

There is a kind of love called letting go,
Forsaking a long life of romance for love.
If us being together made you forsook everything,
Let true love spirit me away.
Let love end the dreams of a life-long romance.
If my departure lets you gain everything,
Let true love steer me away, and initiate break-up.

For your sake, I must lose you.
Cruelly putting on an act to hurt you.
Leaving you for your sake.
Leaving without ever letting go.

     As some of you might guess from the title that this is a Chinese song so let me first summarize for you what the song is about so you wouldn't just be listening to the music and not understanding it. In the music video of this song, it demonstrates the tragic love story behind a guitarist and his girlfriend. First and foremost, the guitarist that the MV starts off with is just playing on the street but due to his girlfriend's encouragement, he sent his first CD to a music company. Later, his girlfriend received a letter confirming that a music company is going to help him publish the CD. Consequently, she quickly went to tell him about it but in the process, a van ran over her and she was physically disabled. Also he was diagnosed with a severe case of cancer. After realizing that he's going to die soon, he made up the decision to release his girlfriend from the burden of him dying and wants her to live a happier life so he decided to pretend having a relationship with another girl. In the end, his girlfriend left him for "better" man in his mind and he died without any regrets.

  This is after all a music review, so  I'll post some of my opinions about this song and why you might want to listen to it. If you get the chance to listen to the Youtube version with the music video which was sung by 阿木, I would say that he really put a lot of feeling into singing the song because in real life, he actually experience something similar to the events that happened in the MV. Also the piano and guitar accompaniment provided the song with a more appropriate mood such as how the piano depicted the sorrow experienced by the male character while the guitar demonstrated the inner struggle that he goes through in the process of making the life changing decisions. Overall this song is very meaningful and truthful in depicting the reality of why even though a couple loved each other, they can't be together. The artist might not be a famous singer but he still won some awards so you should still listen to his song. The non-Youtube version that I found online is the only MP3 version of the song that I could upload so it might not be as good as the original but the accompaniment of the classic  二胡 or "Chinese violin" in it is why I personally liked it.   


  1. Do you know if this song was in a movie or on TV? I feel like I've heard of it before.
    I really like the er hu myself, but in this case I've gotta say that the vocals were what really made my like this song.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I'm really happy that someone actually liked this song but I don't think it's from a movie or on tv.
